domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

You co-operation needed, please

From: Mrs RAMA UMAR,
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

 Dear Friend,

 Compliment of the season to you; this message might meet you in
 utmost surprise. However, it's just my urgent need for foreign
 partner that made me to contact you for this transaction I am a
 banker by profession from Burkina Faso in West Africa and currently
 holding the post of manager auditing and accounting unit of the
 bank. I have a business proposal of Ten Million ($
 United States Dollars which I want you to handle with me from my
 bank as the beneficiary to the fund.

 This fund is the balance deposit by one of our late customer from
 France Mr. Paul Louis Halley, he was an importer/exporter and a
 shareholders in telecommunication here in Burkina Faso. Firstly, you
 will have to open communication with our bank by applying for the
 claim as the (beneficiary) to the fund, I shall be directing you on
 process to get this fund transfer into your account after applying.
 All expenses incurred by you and me in this transaction will be
 deducted out from 5% of the total fund before the sharing of the
 money in ratio of 50/50.

 From banking experience it will take up to fourteen (14) working
 days to conclude this transfer, also this fund can be transfer to
 you in any form of your choice. This matter should be a confidential
 between you and me and please delete it if you are not interested;
 If you are interested, please send me your full contact information
 as below and thereafter I will send to you TEXT OF APPLICATION FORM
 to apply for the fund. I will appreciate your kind gestures towards
 this fortune, may the Almighty God who provide for everyone bless you.


 1. Full name:.........
 2. Current Address:........
 3. Telephone N°:...........
 4. Occupation:.............
 5. Age:............
 6. Country:........


miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Good day

Good day!

I am Mrs Wend Toore auditing and accounting department" bank of Africa (boa) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso .I discovered the sum of seven million, two hundred thousand dollars (usd7.2) belonging to a deceased customer of this bank the fund has been lying in a suspense account without anybody coming to put claim over the money since the account owner late, Mr Salla khat from Lebanese who was involved in the December 28th 2007 Benin car crash.

it is therefore, upon this discovery that i decided to take this ultimatum and make this business proposal to you as the fund will be release to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and i don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill the banking rules here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after seven years, the money will be transferred into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the deceased customer was a foreigner and a Burkina be cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.

Therefore, I am soliciting for your assistance to come forward as the next of kin. I have agreed that 40% of this money will be for you as the beneficiary respect of the provision of your account and service rendered, 60% will be for me. Then immediately the money transferred to your account from this bank, I will proceed to your country for the sharing of the fund. Contact me with my email address ( )

Yours faithful,
Mrs Wend Toore

domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Good day

I want to apologize if this will interrupt your privacy. I need somebody we can rely on and trust with the confidence of our intention. I write to inform you of our desire to acquire estates, shares or landed properties in your country on behalf of other members of my Committee.
Considering our very strategic and influential position, we would want the transaction to be strictly as confidential as possible. The identity of the others involved will remain undisclosed at least for now, until the completion of the transaction because of their political positions in the country.
Burkina Faso present Financial Policy does not favor us having large sums of money in our possession for now; hence it is our desire to have an oversea agent. I have been mandated to solicit for a foreign partner overseas with the intention to help us in negotiation in our desire to invest abroad.
The deal in brief is that the funds with which to carry out our proposed investments in your country is presently in an escrow account in Europe and we need your assistance to transfer the funds to your Country or any safe account outside your country that is convenient for you and us. The plan is that you shall be considered to have executed a contract for the aforementioned Department of Minerals & Energy here in Burkina Faso where we work.
The contract sum which runs into (US$14,500,000) Fourteen Million, five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only of which your share shall be 20% if you agree to be our overseas agent.
Your area of specializations does not matter in this transaction; all that is required of you is a safe account and your willingness to assist us to acquire properties in your country. As soon as payment is effected and the amount mentioned above is successfully transferred into an account that you will nominate, we intend to come over for our remaining 70% share because 5% will be for expenses/Taxation during the process of the transfer and remaining 5% will be for charity purpose.
In our acquiring of properties, you shall serve as our agent. It might interest you to note that, you have to reassure us in every way you can and will be capable in this regard, as we have heard & know that there are a lot of scams out there and we have lost a lot too, as a result of seeking assistance from the wrong hands/partner.
Last two year, a similar transaction we made with a foreign company to award a major DME contract at one of mines in Koudougou, one of the regions here in our country was carried out with one Fernandez Yu of Taiwan but after securing the payment approvals, and payment effected, Fernandez Yu changed his numbers and addresses, and was nowhere to be found on our getting to
Taiwan. That was how we lost US$4.5Million. So this time around, I will be with you before the remittance is made into your provided account to avoid future occurrence and allow trust to play a vital role until conclusion.
You are requested to communicate your acceptance of this proposal via my email address with your Telephone/Fax numbers, email address and your full name & address. We shall then discuss in details the modalities for seeing this transaction through. If however, you are indisposed to assist, kindly destroy this letter in view of the confidentiality of the proposed transaction and interest of personalities involved. But, if this transaction is successful, l can assure that my partner will do his utmost best to secure a contract with DME for you, if you so desire in the nearest future.You are free to contact me through my private e-mail address for more details(
Finally, we wish to reassure you that the process is hitch/risk free and your utmost confidentiality should be our priority right now. I await your response.
Yours sincerely,
Engr.Howard Mansoure.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014

Por favor, si usted está interesado póngase en contacto conmigo de inmediato para más información

Estimado amigo,

yosoy el gerente de proyecto y el intercambio en el departamento de remesas del Banco de África (BOA) aquí en Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. En mi departamento, descubrimos un abandonado suma de US$22 millones de dólares en una cuenta que pertenece a uno de nuestros cliente extranjero.El Sr. Christian Eich muerto junto con toda su familia el lunes, 31 2000 Julio en un accidente de avión en París.

Dado que tenemos información acerca de su muerte, que hemos estado esperando a sus familiares y reclamar su dinero, porque no podemos liberarlo a menos que alguien se aplica para ti como familiares o relación con la persona fallecida como se indica en nuestras operaciones bancarias las directrices y las leyes pero, lamentablemente, nos enteramos de que todos sus supuestos familiares o relación murió junto con él en el accidente de avión que sale detrás de nadie por la reclamación. por lo tanto este descubrimiento que he optado por hacer esta propuesta de negocio para usted y liberar el dinero para usted, como a los familiares o relación con la persona fallecida por la seguridad y ulterior desembolso ya que nadie llega a ti y nos No queremos que este dinero para ir a la tesorería del banco como ley no reclamados. La ley de bancos y de orientación aquí estipula que si el dinero ha reivindicado después de once años, el dinero se transferirá a la tesorería del banco como fondo no reclamados. La solicitud del extranjero como a sus familiares en este negocio es ocasionada por el hecho de que el cliente era un extranjero y un nacional de Burkina Faso no puede presentarse como pariente más próximo a un extranjero.

Estoy de acuerdo en que un 50% de este dinero será para usted como respecto a la disposición de una cuenta extranjera, y el 50% sería para mí. A partir de ese momento, voy a visitar su país para el desembolso de acuerdo con el porcentaje indicado .Por lo tanto, para permitir la transferencia inmediata de este fondo en su cuenta bancaria designada, debe dirigirse en primer lugar al banco como una relación o familiares de la víctima con un texto de aplicación que me enviará a usted, de manera que quisiera que me enviara su teléfono y número de fax para fácil y efectivo de comunicación y lugar donde el dinero serán remitidos. En el momento de la recepción de la respuesta, yo le enviaré por fax o correo electrónico el texto de la aplicación. No dejaré de su anuncio esta transacción es gratuito y que no se debe considerar cualquier átomo de miedo como todos se han hecho los arreglos necesarios para la transferencia. Usted se ponga en contacto conmigo tan pronto como reciba esta carta.


2.EDAD ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
3. OCUPACIÓN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
4. SXE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
5. FAX ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .
6. TELÉFONO ... ... ... ... ... ..
7. PAÍS ... ... ... .

Confiando a oír de usted inmediatamente.


Allahaji: Mustafa Abdul-Jalil
Bill and exchange manager, Bank of
Africa (BOA)

domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

Top of the day to you.

I have proposal of over forty eight million dollars I wish to introduce to you. Reply to me for details.


miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014


Bonjour, Je suis Mr GALINA JURGEVICA Agent du Service des Echanges et Recouvrements des Fonds à la BANQUE OF AFRICA (BOA) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.
Dans mon département j'ai découvert une somme abandonnée de $ 5.2 Millions de dollars Américain ( Cinq million,deux cent mille dollars US) dans un compte qui appartenait à un de nos grand clients étrangers qui était mort suite un accident d’avion avec toute sa petite famille.
Depuis que nous avons eu des informations concernant son décès, nous espérions depuis longtemps voir son héritier pour revendiquer son compte et fond ,car nous ne pouvons pas restituer cette somme sauf si son héritier se présentait ou un membre de sa famille tel que indique nos règlements bancaires.Hélas nous avons constater après des investigations menées par une commission dont je faisais partie ,que toute sa petite famille était mort avec lui dans cet accident.
Depuis ce temps aucun héritier ne s’est présenter . C’est dans cette optique que j'ai décidé de vous proposer de m'assister fraternellement pour que la dite somme vous revienne en tant que héritier ou comme membre de sa famille, sinon cette somme sera verser au trésor public ,qui va s’écouler bientôt au cas ou personne ne viendra la réclamer,tels sont nos règlements bancaires en vigueur.
Or je ne veux pas que cette somme rentre dans le trésor public comme argent non revendiqué. C'est pourquoi je sollicite votre assistance pour pouvoir transférer cette somme dans votre compte à l'étranger. Les 40 % de cette somme sera votre part dans le respect de vos service rendus 50% seront pour moi.
De la somme totale chacun de nous se fera rembourser pour les petites dépenses que nous aurions à faire durant la procédure légale de cette transféré,et c'est la somme restante que nous partagerons selon les pourcentages. Quand l’argent sera transférer dans votre compte, je me rendrai immédiatement dans votre pays pour être en possession de ma part.
J’espère que vous garderez cette transaction strictement confidentielle et dans le secret.Soyez en rassuré que cette transaction est à 100% sans risque de chaque coté car j'ai étudié les bases et tout planifier pour la bonne marche et la réussite de ce transférè.
Vous pouvez me répondre a cet e-mail ""
Je souhaiterais que vous m'envoyez ces informations suivantes:
1.VOTRE NOM ET PRENOM........................
4.PAYS D'ORIGINE.............................
5.NUMERO DE TELEPHONE.......................
J’attends votre réponse et vous souhaite une bonne journée.

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Bonjour , je vous prie de me repondre toute urgence.

Je vous prie de m’excuser pour le désagrément que pourrait vous
causer mon courrier.
Si j'ai voulu vous envoyer ce message, ce n'est pas un simple hasard.
Je tiens dans un premier temps je m’excuser pour cette intrusion dans
votre vie même si j’avoue que cela est très important pour moi.
Je m'appelle Mme Mauricette Ledoux, Je souffre d’un Cancer de  Gorge
depuis maintenant plus de 3 ans et demi et le malheureusement, mon
médecin traitant vient de m’informer que je suis en pleine phase
terminale et que mes jours sont proche du fait de mon état de santé
assez dégradé.

Je suis veuve et je n’ai pas eu d’enfant ce que je commence à
regretter amè fait, la raison pour laquelle je vous contacte
est que je souhaite faire Don d’une partie de mes biens vu que je n’ai
personne qui pourrait en hériter. J’ai presque vendu toutes mes
affaires dont une entreprise d’exportation de bois et d’hévéa et une
Sidérurgie en Afrique et aussi à MONACO. Une grosse partie de tous ces
fonds récoltés a été versée auprès de différentes associations à
caractères humanitaires un peu partout dans le monde mais surtout en
Haïti. Pour ce qui est du reste de la somme qui s’élève exactement ŕ
(Sept cent cinquante mille Euros)
Présentement sur un Compte Personnel Bloqué dans une Banque
Internationale, mon dernier souhait serait de vous en faire Don afin
que vous puissiez investir dans votre secteur d’activité.

...........INFORMATIONS PERSONNELLES......................................

Madame  Mauricette Ledoux de nationalité Franco-américaine, résidente
Je suis détentrice d'un compte  dans une institution financière; les
renseignements secrets de mon compte sont :
Titulaire du Compte : Madame Mauricette Ledoux
Numéro de compte: 0485626P036.
RIB: 05
Guichet : 01015
IBAN: FR 18  2004 1010 1504 8562 6p03 605
Contenue du compte : Bien personnel
Date d'ouverture du compte : 01 FÉVRIER 2006  Par ailleurs Je souhaite
que vous m'envoyer expressivement vos informations personnelles si

Dès l’instant que je recevrai votre accord et votre réponse je vous
communiquerai le contact de la Banque et la procédure à suivre. Je
vous délivrerai également une attestation qui prouvera que vous êtes
le bénéficiaire présent de ces fonds.

Madame Mauricette Ledoux

miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

From Colonel. Freddy Roland


My Name is Col. Freddy Roland. I am an American, a colonel in the US Air force. I am presently serving in Afghanistan. I am a widower with only one child, a boy. My wife died 6 year ago of a breast cancer, and my only son is 12 years old and he is presently studying in UK. I know we do not know each other before now, but I strongly believe that we could be of a mutual help to each other.

I am not proud of what I am about to tell you, but I do not have any safe option hence I got involved. Few months ago my military colleagues and I found million of Euros stashed in an apartment here in Afghanistan. I suggested to my colleagues that we hand over the cash to the appropriate authority, but most of my colleagues suggested that we share the fund amongst ourselves. I didn't want to stand alone as opposition so I joined them to share this fund. I received exactly 6.3 Million euro as my own share. I know it's wrong and it has been disturbing me since then.
I would have reported this matter to the appropriate authority but would either end up in jail, or be killed by my colleagues or put my little boy in harm's way, which was not an option for me as I want to see my boy grow to be a man.
I have successfully deposited this fund in a bank in Europe, but I am afraid that if such amount of money is discovered in my bank account, it would raise lots of question. So I was advised to relocate the fund into a different bank account that has nothing to do with me or my name that is the reason I am contacting you to assist me in providing a bank account in which I will relocate the fund.

I will submit your bank account information to the bank I deposited the money for onward remittance of the fund to you as soon as you provided me with a bank account information.

I will send the name and contact information of the bank including the deposit document I received from the bank the day I deposited the fund with them as soon as you give me your word that you will assist me.
I plan to resign from US Air force as soon as the fund is deposited into your bank account so that I could meet with you and share the fund among ourselves and maybe enter into business partnership, with you running the business since I would want to maintain a low profile.
I kindly wait for your urgent reply with my Email Contact:
Yours truthfully,
Freddy Roland (Colonel).