Queridos en el Señor
Yo soy la señora Florencia Gram de Irán me casé a finales de Gram Dr. Daniel que trabajaba con Irán embajada en Costa de Marfil durante nueve años antes de morir en el año 2008.We se casaron por once años con un niño. Murió después de una breve enfermedad que duró sólo cuatro días.
Antes de su muerte éramos ambos otra vez nacido cristiano. Desde su muerte he decidido no volver a casarse o tener un hijo fuera de mi hogar conyugal que la Biblia es en contra. Cuando mi husban estaba vivo que depositó la suma de tres millones de dólares de cinco thausand houndred en uno de la compañía de financiamiento aquí en Abidjan.
jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012
Mr. Lamin Balla
Elogio de la estación,
Sé que este correo vendrá a usted como una sorpresa, ya que nunca se reúnen antes, cuando yo estaba buscando un socio extranjero aseguré de tu capacidad y confiabilidad para defender esta oportunidad de negocio cuando rogué a Dios, o Allah sobre ti. En mi departamento descubrimos una suma abandonada de Cinco Millones de Dólares Cien Mil Siete Estados Unidos ($ 5.7M). En una cuenta que pertenece a uno de nuestros clientes en el extranjero (Mr.Salla Khatif) que murió junto a toda su familia el (Lunes, 01 de junio 2009) Este es el accidente de avión del sitio web: (http://news.bbc.co .uk/2/hi/americas/8076848.stm) en un accidente aéreo. Desde que conseguimos la información sobre su muerte,
Sé que este correo vendrá a usted como una sorpresa, ya que nunca se reúnen antes, cuando yo estaba buscando un socio extranjero aseguré de tu capacidad y confiabilidad para defender esta oportunidad de negocio cuando rogué a Dios, o Allah sobre ti. En mi departamento descubrimos una suma abandonada de Cinco Millones de Dólares Cien Mil Siete Estados Unidos ($ 5.7M). En una cuenta que pertenece a uno de nuestros clientes en el extranjero (Mr.Salla Khatif) que murió junto a toda su familia el (Lunes, 01 de junio 2009) Este es el accidente de avión del sitio web: (http://news.bbc.co .uk/2/hi/americas/8076848.stm) en un accidente aéreo. Desde que conseguimos la información sobre su muerte,
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012
Miss Roselyn Kipkalya Kones, Kenya
Hello Dearest One,
This letter might come to you as a surprise ,Please I apologies to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter I feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business having gone through your remarkable profile, I will really like to have a good relationship with you and I have a special reason why I decided to contact you, I decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation, My name is Roselyn Kipkalya Kones, 24yrs old female and I held from Kenya in East Africa.
This letter might come to you as a surprise ,Please I apologies to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter I feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business having gone through your remarkable profile, I will really like to have a good relationship with you and I have a special reason why I decided to contact you, I decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation, My name is Roselyn Kipkalya Kones, 24yrs old female and I held from Kenya in East Africa.
miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012
Mr. Henry Joe, Benin
Estimado amigo, Soy Henry Joe, estoy buscando su consentimiento para presentarle como los pariente mбs prуximo a un cliente fallecido de nuestro banco, tarde el Sr. Fernando R. Olmos, designar a un expatriado que trabajan en este paнs hizo un enorme depуsito fijo a mi oficina (es decir, Banco) antes de su muerte prematura sin ningъn pariente registrados a su cuenta en mi Oficina, que ha calificado automбticamente sus depуsitos abiertos mandato beneficiarios o su depуsito de (US$6.8M) serб devolverlo al Gobierno de Benin
Miss, Catherine and Robinson Claude, Costa de Marfil
Greetings, You may be surprised why a young lady like me is contacting you to ask for your assistance and help. Please consider this letter as a request from orphans in need of assistance. We are Ms. Catherine and Mister Robinson Claude; from the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire (formerly known as Ivory Coast). We need a reliable company or individual who can assist us in transferring a reasonable sum of money out of Ghana West Africa. Our Father Engineer Bantu Claude was the Chairman Board of Cocoa & Precious Mineral Marketing Co-Operation of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire during the reign of President Laurent Gbagbo.
Mr. Osu Dankwa, Accra, Ghana
Dear Sir/Madam, I write to inform you that we are interested in a bulk purchase of your products as We were able to get your email address with the help of a directory research based on your country.. Please kindly send to us your catalog/Website through pdf or jpg attachment. And we would like to inquire about the following: *Packing conditions? *Your delivery time? *Payment terms? Regards, Mr.Osu Dankwa KKinte Investments Ltd Plot 112 Airport Road Accra, Ghana.
viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012
Señorita Juliette princesa Adama, Abiyán, Costa de Marfil
Un cordial saludo, mi amado.
Estoy escribiendo este mensaje de confianza a Dios para que le viniera en mi rescate, me decidí a contactar con usted debido a la urgencia de mi situación aquí y después de leer su perfil hoy en www.facebook.com me decidí a contactar con usted para que se sabe más acerca de mí. Yo soy (la señorita Julieta princesa Adama) Single Girl 22 años ft5.8. 54 en peso. Yo soy de la República de Costa de Marfil, yo soy la única hija del (difunto Sr. y la Sra. G. Coulibaly Adama, mi padre era un comerciante muy rico de cacao aquí, en Abidján, la capital económica de Costa de Marfil. Fue asesinado a la muerte durante la crisis electoral que lleva a la política war.November 28, 2010 en Costa de Marfil, África Occidental (http://www.france24.com/en/20110405-...ouattara-gbagbo)
Estoy escribiendo este mensaje de confianza a Dios para que le viniera en mi rescate, me decidí a contactar con usted debido a la urgencia de mi situación aquí y después de leer su perfil hoy en www.facebook.com me decidí a contactar con usted para que se sabe más acerca de mí. Yo soy (la señorita Julieta princesa Adama) Single Girl 22 años ft5.8. 54 en peso. Yo soy de la República de Costa de Marfil, yo soy la única hija del (difunto Sr. y la Sra. G. Coulibaly Adama, mi padre era un comerciante muy rico de cacao aquí, en Abidján, la capital económica de Costa de Marfil. Fue asesinado a la muerte durante la crisis electoral que lleva a la política war.November 28, 2010 en Costa de Marfil, África Occidental (http://www.france24.com/en/20110405-...ouattara-gbagbo)
Mr. Kadri Yusufu, Burkina Faso
Assalamu`Alaikum Friend,
The Head of File and Auditing Department,
Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso (West Africa)
REMITTANCE OF US$22,300,000.00
The Head of File and Auditing Department,
Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso (West Africa)
REMITTANCE OF US$22,300,000.00
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012
Mr. Mohammed Sarpong, Ghana
Hello and Greetings from Ghana, We are a small scale mining company based in Ghana with operating license in Liberia. We have 500 kg of gold dust for sale at very cheap price. We also have in stock gold bars, metal scraps and diamond for sale at very cheap rates. We are pleased to make this offer of AU Gold Dust Under penalty of perjury and with full corporate and legal responsibility under the following terms and conditions.
Mr. Ahmed
I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund. I really appreciated your first acceptance to the transaction. I concluded the transaction with the help of a staff working in the remittance office and also with the special assistance of an American business man that catered for the whole expenditure and transfer.
I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting that fund. I really appreciated your first acceptance to the transaction. I concluded the transaction with the help of a staff working in the remittance office and also with the special assistance of an American business man that catered for the whole expenditure and transfer.
Mrs. Sandra Johnson
Dear My Very Good Friend
Greeting from Mrs. Sandra Johnson contacted you long ago, I'm happy to inform you that I have succeeded in moving those funds out with a new helper from Australia, whom based on agreement received %30 of the entire money for his financial involvement and efforts. I have since embarked on an Electronic Company projects with my share of the money.Meanwhile, I did appreciate your efforts and attempts to help move the funds even though we couldn't realize it together.
Greeting from Mrs. Sandra Johnson contacted you long ago, I'm happy to inform you that I have succeeded in moving those funds out with a new helper from Australia, whom based on agreement received %30 of the entire money for his financial involvement and efforts. I have since embarked on an Electronic Company projects with my share of the money.Meanwhile, I did appreciate your efforts and attempts to help move the funds even though we couldn't realize it together.
Mr. Vincent Cheng , Hong Kong
I am Mr. Vincent Cheng Hoi Chuen, GBS, JP Chairman of the Hong Kong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.i have a business proposal of Twenty
Two million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only for you to
transact with me from my bank to your country.
Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.i have a business proposal of Twenty
Two million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only for you to
transact with me from my bank to your country.
Jose Miguel Teixeira, Londres
Marriott Financas 194 Marsh Wall, South Quay. Londres, Reino Unido. *************************** Telefone: 0781-891-9338 *************************** Prezado Cliente, Este e-mail e do Marriott Finance Company, oferecemos emprestimos a pessoas fisicas interessadas. Nos oferecemos emprestimos pessoais e de negocios para cada pessoas interessadas que necessitam de um emprestimo para pessoal ou uso comercial.
Jennifer Wharton, Abiyán
Dearest One, Mi nombre es señora Jennifer Wharton me casé a finales de wharton.I William pongo en contacto con usted para hacerle saber mi deseo de donar suma de dólares de los EE.UU.: 3.500.000 (tres millones quinientos mil dólares de EE.UU.) para la fundación de caridad en su país, que yo heredé de mi difunto esposo. Es mi deseo de ver que este dinero se invierte a cualquier organización de su elección en su país y se distribuyen cada año entre las organizaciones de caridad, casa madre del bebé, las mezquitas, iglesias, escuelas, apoyo a la miseria los hombres y mujeres en edad o lo que usted puede tener en cuenta que será en beneficio de los menos afortunados.
Jasper Gregor, HSBC
Dear Sir/Madam; I am Jasper Gregor,British citizen and Principal Assurance Manager for the HSBC in London. A staff of Yokozona Consultancy Firm got in touch with me regarding an Estate of Late Philip Smith; and an investment placed under our Bank Management 3 years ago. I contact you independent of our investigation and no one is informed of this communication. I will bring you the complete picture of this transaction as soon as i hear back from you. Kindly reply if interested for further information and instructions. Regards, Jasper Gregor
Sr. Bentum, Ghana
I hope you are enjoying a fine summer. Please consider my bid to transfer and invest funds that accumulated as surplus profit made by my branch.
Mrs. Lenda Aka, Costa de Marfil
Mrs. lenda aka,
Avenue 15, rue 12
Lot 1225, Deus Plateau
Dear Sir/Ma.
It's my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I and my Son, we intend to establish in your country, Though I have not met with you before, but I believe one has to risk, confiding in someone to succeed sometimes in life.
domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012
Mrs. Martha Job, Sierra Leona
Dear Beloved One, PLEASE ENDEAVOR TO USE IT FOR THE CHILDREN OF GOD. I am the above named person from Sierra-Leone. I am married to Dr. Kevin Job who died in the year 2007. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days when he visited his village. Since his death, I decided not to re-marry.
sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012
Miss Theresa Bamford, Costa de Marfil
From Miss Theresa Bamford
Abidjan Cote d'ivoire
West Africa,
Dearest One,
I am writting this letter with due respect and heartful of tears since we have not known or met ourselves previously. I am asking for your assistance after I have gone through a profile that speaks good of you in the internet.I will be so glad if you can allow and lead me to the right channel towards your assistance to my situation now.
From Miss Theresa Bamford
Abidjan Cote d'ivoire
West Africa,
Dearest One,
I am writting this letter with due respect and heartful of tears since we have not known or met ourselves previously. I am asking for your assistance after I have gone through a profile that speaks good of you in the internet.I will be so glad if you can allow and lead me to the right channel towards your assistance to my situation now.
Mrs. Helen George, Sierra Leona
viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012
Kwasi Fofana, Benin
Dear Sir,/Madam, I am Kwasi Fofana from Benin Republic, I contact you base on the 170Kg of Gold we have for sell at $32 .000USD, I represent my late family but being that I have no idea about how to sell gold I decided to search for a person before I came across your contact. I will require your partnership to move out this gold to your country and sell them, if you can handle this business, contact me so we can negotiate and move it for you to sell it, 20% will be for your commission.
Mr. Kwesi Mensah, Ghana
I am Mr. Kwesi Mensah, the executive director and Head of Swift Transfer Unit of Barclay's Bank Ghana Sometime ago, in our bank an inherited payment deposit was brought to our bank from Apex Bank, and after some period, this money was taken back to the Government treasury. For the period of time this money was in our bank, it generated an interest of US$1.5 Million, which we are about to be pay to you via Electronic banking transfer system.
Mr. Mohammed Sarpong, Ghana
Hello and Greetings from Ghana,
We are a reputable small scale mining company based in Ghana with
operating license in Liberia. We have 950 kg of gold dust for sale at very
cheap price. We also have in stock gold bars, metal scraps and diamond for
sale at very cheap rates. We are pleased to make this offer of AU Gold
Dust Under penalty of perjury and with full corporate and legal
responsibility under the following terms and conditions.
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