martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

Una carta urgente para usted !!!


La paz del seсor sea contigo y tu familia? Por favor, acepten mis disculpas por haber escrito este mensaje para solicitar su cooperaciуn sincera en mi ъltimo deseo morir sin saber que o visto antes. Lo admito soy bajo presiуn debido a mi estado de salud.

Yo soy una viuda 69 aсos de edad en los niсos que sufren de un prolongado cбncer de los pulmones y par de meses de vida, aunque todavнa estoy recibiendo radioterapia en el Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center de Nueva York, NY.

Actualmente estoy en necesidad de un socio de negocios que estб dispuesto a recibir y como beneficiario a la suma de mбs de cuatro millones de dуlares de los estados unidos para que la cuenta en cualquier paнs del mundo. A continuaciуn se muestra una breve historia del origen de los fondos.

En el aсo 2009 descubrн un exceso beneficios con mi banco auditorнa; he sido el auditor externo general de este Banco para mбs de 34 aсos y a mн, y mis colegas han mantenido este dinero es de carбcter privado y cuenta de garantнa bloqueada con este Banco durante tantos aсos.

La ъltima de mis colegas fallecieron hace un par de aсos atrбs, y yo estoy muy enfermo y los malos tratos ,que necesito alguien a quien estй dispuesto a llevar a cabo mis ъltimos deseos y tambiйn ayudar a invertir mi parte del dinero en inversiones y negocios caridad para asegurar el futuro de mis hijos pequeсos.

Si usted sabe que es capaz de tener la posibilidad de presentarse como el beneficiario de esta cuenta amablemente que me urgentemente, de tal forma que me pueda preparar documentaciуn a su nombre.

Esto es sуlo una simple transferencia Bancaria y en todos los procedimientos de dicha transferencia se realiza por el Banco de acuerdo a sus paнses transferencia internacional leyes, de modo que usted puede estar seguro de que usted no puede entrar en los problemas de la transferencia.

Espero por su rбpida respuesta y tengo la intenciуn de dar a usted el 40% del total del dinero una vez que la transferencia del dinero se lleva a cabo en su cuenta personal.

Tener un dнa maravilloso.

La Sra M.A
Gerente de Auditoria

domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2013

Soy la señorita Michelle Roberts

Soy la señorita Michelle Roberts

Soy la señorita Michelle Roberts, mujer soltera . Hemos perdido a mi padre
durante el civil, guerra aquí en mi país Costa de Marfil, y yo me quedo
con mi madre enferma y paso hermano, que planea trasladarse a su país para
la inversión propósitos . Pero antes de eso , necesitamos su ayuda para
nosotros proporcionar un medio en su país o en otro lugar para nosotros
para transferir los fondos de mi difunto padre se fue a nosotros aquí , la
transferencia será banco a la transferencia bancaria.

Hemos ido al banco a su correo para confirmar el monto depositado por mi
padre por importe de $ 9.500.000,00 ( nueve millones quinientos mil
dólares de los Estados de dólares) y que están esperando que yo
proporciono información de mi padre socio extranjero que va a hacer
arreglos para la liberación de los fondos para su cuenta.

Lo tendremos en cuenta para darle un 15% el porcentaje sobre la respuesta
que voy a dar más detalles sobre la transacción, por favor que usted pueda
tratar esta información como un mensaje urgente y me responda sin demora
para que pueda tomar mi decisión final .

Espero saber de ti pronto.
Srta. Michelle Roberts

martes, 24 de diciembre de 2013

We Have A Package For You

This is a reminder that Your packet is already on the transit point (Rome). It has been on hold awaiting pickup since October 7th,2013. You are expected to call or email us with a confirmation of the exact recipient address.

Recipient Postal Details required are stated below;


From our database,it shows your package is coming in with a high priority delivery (highly classified package),so you should attend to this case promptly. You have to Confirm if you wish to come to ROME for pickup of your package or if you want us to deliver to you in your location.

For more info, call us on: +39 328 879 6421, Note this is a highly valuable delivery and so, you must attend to all messages promptly.

Looking forward to a prompt response from you.

Leo Capello.
(Delivery Agent)

domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2013

Dear friend

Greeting to you,I am Barrister Toure Mathew, my late client Engr M.A.,died with his family without no one to claim his ($8.500,000.00) deposit in the bank. I have a mandate to present the bank my late client next of kin,a nationality of your country so i wish to present you to the bank as his next of kin.
My regards,
My private email address(

Our Chambers Skype Account is ( touremaths1 )

Phone / +22899084671
Toure Mathew ESQ .

sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

Estimado amigo en Cristo

Estimado amigo en Cristo ,

Estoy feliz de conocerte, pero Dios te conoce mejor y sabe por qué me ha
dirigido a usted en este momento, así que no tenga miedo. Estoy en la necesidad de su ayuda , quiero hacer una donación a los pobres y necesitados a través de ti . Mi nombre es Claria williamsi soy 58 años de edad en este momento estoy en el hospital , he estado recibiendo tratamiento para el cáncer de esófago. He perdido ya mi habilidad para hablar y mis médicos me han dicho que tengo sólo unos meses de vida. Antes de que me enfermé no dejaba de USD $ 7,6 millones querido por mi difunto esposo en un depósito a largo plazo en una empresa de seguridad. Mi difunto marido depositó el Fondo de Costa "d Ivoire desde 2011 por favor quiero que usted utilice esta oportunidad y reclamarlo tengo toda la información útil y el certificado de depósito conmigo aquí . Nos casamos por once años sin un niño.

Desde su muerte he decidido no volver a casarse otra vez, cuando mi marido estaba vivo él depositó la suma de ( USD $ 7.6 millones de dólares ) en una empresa de seguridad en Abidján, la capital de la Costa "d Marfil en el África occidental , en la actualidad este dinero es todavía en la empresa . Él hizo el dinero disponible para la exportación de cacao de Costa de "d ivoire minería. Recientemente, mi doctor me dijo que no iba a durar el período de siete meses debido al problema del cáncer . Quienquiera que desea servir a Dios le debe servir en espíritu y en verdad , porque Dios es el más alto, Rogar por favor siempre a lo largo de su vida. La que más me molesta es mi enfermedad del cáncer. Después de haber conocido mi condición yo decidí que entregar este dinero y el cuidar de las personas menos privilegiadas , que utilizará este dinero la manera que voy a mandar adjunto . quiero que usted tome el 30 por ciento del total de dinero para su uso personal , mientras que el 70% del dinero se destinará a la caridad pueblo "en la calle y ayudar al orfanato.

Yo no tengo ningún niño que herede este dinero y mi marido familiares no son buenas ni siquiera es bueno en todo , porque son la que el responsable de la muerte de mi esposo en otros para tener todas mis propiedades difunto esposo y yo no 't quiero que mi marido para ser utilizados por aquellos que conspiraron para su muerte . Crecí como un huérfano y no tengo a nadie como miembro de mi familia , sólo para que la empresa se mantiene el nombre de Dios , ahora que está claro que no voy a sobrevivir a esta enfermedad, que he decidido que
tengo que dar mi riqueza a los pobres y necesitados de demostrar mi servicio humanitario a la humanidad. Apreciaré su mayoría que el fondo será donado a bebés huérfanos , las viudas y las víctimas de huracanes en todo el mundo.

Le saluda atentamente,

Sra. Claria Williams

martes, 27 de agosto de 2013


Dear Friend,
I am the head of Accounts and Audit Department of Bank of Africa, Ouagadougou . I decided to contact you after a careful thought that you may be capable of handling this business transaction which I explained below;
In my department, I discovered an abandoned sum of $13.5m US dollars (Thirteen million, five hundred thousand US dollars). In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in 2007 in a plane crash.

Since i got information about his death, The bank have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because The fund cannot be released unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately I learnt that his supposed next of kin(his son and wife) died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim .It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin (I want to present you as his business associate )to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and I don't want this money to go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.

The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained Unclaimed after seven years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkina be cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.

I agree that 35% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, 10 % will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 55% would be for me . There after I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to your account as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as next of kin of the deceased customer.

Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer..

I expect that you contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter, and send me your personal data including your international passport before i send you the full details for continuation of this transaction.

Hoping to hear from you immediately.

Yours faithfully,
Dr.Kabo Uago
Accounts & Audit Department,
Bank of Africa .

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

Mi querido Dios

Donación de la Sra. Gloria Kaba
BP [38 Rue des Martyrs Cocody
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

Mi querido Dios.

Yo soy la persona nombrada arriba de Kuwait. Estoy casada con el Sr. Kaba Bartolomé, que trabajó con la embajada de Kuwait en Costa de Marfil durante nueve años antes de morir en 2004. Nos casamos? Once años sin un niño. Murió después de una breve enfermedad que duró sólo cuatro días.

Antes de su muerte éramos ambos otra vez nacido cristiano. Desde su muerte he decidido no volver a casarse o tener un hijo fuera de mi hogar conyugal que la Biblia está en contra. Cuando mi marido estaba vivo él depositó la suma de EE.UU. $ 2. 5 millones ($ 2,5 millones) en el banco aquí en Abidjan en una cuenta transitoria.

En la actualidad, el fondo sigue en el banco. Recientemente, mi doctor me dijo que tengo enfermedad grave que es problema del cáncer. Lo que más me molesta es mi enfermedad del movimiento. Sabien hacer mi condición decidía donar este fondo a una iglesia o individuo que w mal utilizar este dinero la manera que voy a encargar aquí. Yo quiero una iglesia que utilice este fondo para los orfanatos, las viudas, propagando la palabra de Dios y Procurará mantener la casa de Dios.

La Biblia nos hizo entender que el Beato es la mano que da. Tomé esta decisión porque no tengo ningún niño que herede este dinero y mi marido familiares no son cristianos y no quiero que mi marido para ser utilizados por los incrédulos. No quiero una situación donde este dinero será utilizado en una profana. Es por eso que estoy tomando esta decisión. No tengo miedo de la muerte por lo tanto que sé adónde voy. Sé que voy a estar en el pecho del Señor.

Éxodo 14 vs 14 dice que el Señor luchará mi caso y voy a mantener mi paz.
No necesito ninguna comunicación del teléfono en este respeto debido a mi salud por lo tanto la presencia de mi esposo parient está alrededor de mí siempre que no quiero saber de este desarrollo. Con Dios, todas las camisetas hings son posibles. Tan pronto como recibamos su respuesta le voy a dar el contacto del banco aquí en Abidjan. Quiero que tú y la iglesia a orar siempre para mí porque el Señor es mi pastor. Mi felicidad es que viví una vida digna de un cristiano. Quien quiera servir al Señor le debe servir en espíritu y en verdad. Por favor, siempre en oración por su vida.

Cualquier retraso en su respuesta me dará habitación en sourcing otra iglesia o individuo para este mismo propósito. Por favor, me aseguran que usted actúe en consecuencia como ya he dicho aquí. Con la esperanza de recibir su respuesta.
Por favor envíe la siguiente información a continuación.

Permanezca bendito.
Gloria Kaba.

domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Investment plans

I am Mrs.Elizabeth Nuru. My Son and I are planning relocating to your country for investment purposes with the fund left for me in the private security company  by my late husband.

This fund $5,500,000.00 (Five million five hundred thousand United States dollars) I want to invest in Farm, Real Estate,  Hotel and Transport business and I need you to act as our foreign business partner of my late husband.

We will discuss your percentage upon your reply, please I will want you to treat this proposal as an urgent message and reply to me without any delay so that I can take my final decision.

More detail will be given to you once i hear from you with your personal data as well.

I wait to hear from you soon.

Mrs.Elizabeth Nuru.

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Help me

Hello Dear,
complement of the day,

It is my pleasure to write you after much consideration which I don't know how you will feel it. My name is Miss Geni Koffi The only Daughter of late Joseph Koffi,from Sierra-Leone (I am 19years of age. My father was former Director of finance Sierra-Leone diamond,Gold and mining corporation, in Free Town,the economic capital of Sierra Leon before his untimely death.After his business trip,My father got an accident with my mother of which my mother died instantly but my father died five days after in a private hospital in our country. On that faithful afternoon, I didnt know that my father was going to leave me after I had earlier lost my mother, but before he gave up the ghost, it was as if he knew he was going to die.

My father called me and told me that he deposited the sum of Nine Million,United State Dollars. USD ($9,000.000.00) left in fixed/ suspense account in one of the prime bank in LOME the economic capital of TOGO.That the money was meant for his diamond and Gold company he wanted to establish in Tunisia, according to my father he deposited the money in suspence account using my name as the next of kin. My reason to contact you is to asssit me to transfer the fund into your account because the bank made an agreemet with my father I can not access to this fund only if I can having an foreign partner from oversee to help me transfer the money and invest it. I wait your respond for more detail's, I have the documents with me I will forward it to you as soon as I hear from you.

I am waiting for your urgnt respond.

Miss. Geni Koffi.

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

Get Back To Me If You Are Still Alive

My name is Anderson Curtis, the Senior Directing officer of one of the many branches Rooly Security Agency. I am writing you concerning a situation which has come to my notice and i would like a confirmation from you before i proceed with my actions.
A consignment box containing a very huge amount of Fund about $15Million USD was brought here to be kept in custody by one Delegate Anderson Curtis who was assigned to Africa to handle issues involving foreign Beneficiaries being ripped each time they try to make a claim on their inheritance .This was done some months ago which the Agent stressed that the consignment belongs to you.
The reason why i am writing you is because a power of attorney was forwarded to our office this morning by Mr. Kelly Brown and they introduced themselves as Trevor Derek Alfred and Mr. Roland Gulf and the Barrister's name David Hayfield.They claim you have asked them to claim the fund in the consignment. They are willing to pay $1750usd to claim the fund which will be used for preparing the paper work and also for the shipment of the consignment,they made me understand that you were hit by a truck and on your death bed you gave them the right to claim the fund in the consignment. This makes me really confused, because the real amount for the preparation of paper work and for the shipment of the consignment is just $550. I have notified the Delegate Anderson concerning this matter and he has stated that he has nothing to do with it anymore and maybe these people are been truthful.
You are to call this office immediately for clarifications on this matter as we shall be available 24 hrs to speak with you and give you the necessary guidelines on how to ensure that your consignment is sent to you immediately.Just also be informed that any further delay from your side could be dangerous, as i would not be held responsible of wrong delivery.
So,get back to me urgently and tell me if this is true,you are therefore given 24hrs as soon as you read this email to confirm the truth in this information, If you are still alive, You are to contact us back immediately, Because we work 24 hrs just to ensure that we monitor all the activities going on in regards to the delivering of your consignment.I want to know if these people have been given permission by you to claim the fund in the consignment because they have provided an attorney to stand on their behalf and he is ready to sign the change of ownership certificate and also make the payment to claim the consignment. If you are not on your deathbed as these people claim and to have this consignment delivered to you, then get back to me immediately as this required a great deal of urgency.
On receipt of your email, I will call the police to have these people arrested for attempted fraud and theft, but if not i will have no choice than to accept their payments, sign the change of ownership certificate and have it released to them.
Yours Sincerely,
Director Anderson Curtis. 

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

Beloved One

Beloved; I am Mrs. Janet Obeid; my spirit led me to write you this email. I write you with heavy tears in my eyes and great sorrow in my heart because my Doctor informed me that I will die in 3 weeks time due to my Complicated health issues (CANCER). Based on this, I want to will my money 10.5 million USD to a faithful and God fearing person who will use it as I will instruct hence I am contacting you. I want you to use the funds to raise a business in any area you have experience and expertise and to disburse 50% of the annual net profit on charity causes, 35% for expansion (or diversification) while 15% will be kept by you as compensation for your labour.The disbursements should be made to charities such as orphanages, motherless babies homes and to humanitarian causes. I will wait to hear from you if you can handle this task with honesty.Reply me only on this email; Warm wishes from, Janet Obeid

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

O seu pedido de empréstimo

42 Manor Road, Brent.

Prezado cliente,

Estamos em contato com voce a partir Finance Company Polar, em Londres.
Somos especializados em financiamento de emprestimos a pessoas fisicas e empresarios.
Nos emprestar a taxa de juros de 2% e nosso processo de emprestimo e facil e garantida.
Se voce estiver interessado em obter um emprestimo, envie-nos as informacoes abaixo aplicar:

Nome Completo:
Valor do Emprestimo Necessario:
Finalidade do emprestimo:

Enviar as informacoes acima para nos por e-mail: polarfinance@x.xx
Vamos prosseguir e concluir o processo de emprestimo dentro de um 3-5 imediatamente dia de trabalho. Aguardo a sua resposta.

Barcelos Ryan.

martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

Greeting to you

Greeting to you

I’m a German business woman dealing with gold exportation in Cote D’Ivoire and my husband is now late who started the business with me Dr. Adolf Merckle aged 74 years old, who committed suicide on January 6th 2009 after his business empire ran into trouble in the global economic financial crisis. Please refer to the news website below to read more about my late husband.

I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer disease which doctors have confirmed that I have just few days to leave, Now that I’m ending the race like this, without any family members and no child, I have decided to hand over the sum of (US$19.5) Nineteen million five hundred thousand dollars) that I have in my account to you for the help of orphanage homes/the needy once in your location to fulfill my wish on earth. You may be wondering why I chose you. But someone lucky has to be chosen according the the revelation I had after my prayers today. But before handing over my data’s to you, kindly assure me that you will take only 20% of the money and share the rest to orphanage homes/the needy once, response quickly to enable me forward the contact details of the Bank and my valid International passport now that I have access to internet before it will be too late as the Bank is aware of my decision over the fund and awaiting for.

whom I will instruct to contact them forward a scanned copy of my valid international passport your or identity I’d for their confirmation, Note that it will only cost you for change of ownership according to the Bank, and please don’t be discouraged about the change of ownership because at this stage if no one apply for the money it will go to bank treasury when I’m gone and they will not use it to help the needy once to fulfill my wish,

I have decided that I must give my wealth to the poor and needy to demonstrate my humanitarian service to humanity. I will appreciate mostly that the fund be donated to motherless Babies, widows and hurricane victims all over the world.

Remain Bless
Mrs. Maria Schaeffler

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

My Dear

My Dear ,

My Dear one, My name is Mrs Amalia Chesa, this is a confidential mail,I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer, It has defied all forms of medical treatment, and
Right now, I have only few months to live and I want you to
use this Money six million usd($6 million usd) to charities home as my promise to God.

i am given you 40% for you and your family. I will give you more details on how to get the money. Reply me on my private email id here (
yours truly

Mrs Amalia

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

El Sr. Ken está rumboso

WR: Setecientos cincuenta mil libras se le ha dado a su correo electrónico en BPO Grant. Incluya su nombre, dirección y edad. Enviar la información al Sr. Ken Email: bpooffxxxx@hotmail.xx.xx

Donación para la obra de Dios

Mi Querida en el Señor,

Saludos Calvario para que en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Soy la señora Rita Daniel de Kuwait. Estaba casada con el Sr. John Daniel, quien trabajó con la embajada de Kuwait en Costa de Marfil durante nueve años antes de morir el año pasado. Nos casamos por once años sin un niño. Mi marido murió después de una breve enfermedad que duró sólo cuatro días. Antes de su muerte éramos ambos otra vez nacido cristiano.

Querida, sé que usted es sorpresa al recibir esta carta, pero como hijo de Dios vivo, usted debe saber que nuestros caminos no son sus caminos. Mi Biblia me dice que trabaja de muchas maneras y todas las cosas funciona para bien a los que creen en Cristo Jesús. De hecho, también es el líder del Espíritu Santo de Dios que yo os elegí en la obediencia y el amor para cumplir el deseo de mi marido que yo apoyé a la gloria de Dios. Quiero que entiendan que esta benevolencia es en cump limiento de la voluntad y decisión de mi difunto esposo, que estoy convencido de actualizar.

Desde la muerte de mi amado esposo, decidí no volver a casarse o tener un hijo fuera de mi hogar conyugal que la Biblia está en contra. Cuando mi marido estaba vivo él depositó la suma de EE.UU. $ 2,5 millones de dólares ($ 2,500,000.00) en un banco aquí en Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire. Actualmente, este dinero todavía está en el banco.

Recientemente, mi doctor me dijo que no iba a durar el período de nueve meses debido a mi problema de cáncer. La que más me molesta es mi enfermedad del movimiento. Sabiendo mi condición decidía donar este fondo a una organización de caridad, iglesia, organización cristiana, o un verdadero creyente que utilizará este dinero la manera que voy a mandar adjunto.

Quiero que este fondo que se utilizará para los orfanatos, escuelas, iglesias, viudas y las personas menos privilegios en la propagación de la palabra de Dios y para asegurarse de que se mantenga la casa de Dios. La Biblia nos hizo entender que "Bendito es la mano que da". Tomé esta decisión porque no tengo ningún niño que herede este dinero y mi marido familiares son incrédulos y yo no quiero que mi marido para ser utilizados por los incrédulos.

No quiero una situación donde este dinero será utilizado en una manera impía. Es por eso que estoy tomando esta decisión. No tengo miedo de la muerte por lo tanto que sé adónde voy. Sé que voy a estar en el pecho del Señor. Éxodo 14 vs 14 dice que "el señor luchará mi caso y voy a mantener mi paz". No necesito ninguna comunicación telefónica en este sentido a causa de mi estado de salud y la presencia de los parientes de mi difunto marido alrededor de mí siempre tratando de reclamar este dinero de mí que mi marido se fue a mí. No quiero que sepan de este desarrollo. Con Dios todo es posible.

Yo quiero que manejar esto por su cuenta ya que mi salud no me puede permitir como se me ha colocado en diálisis chequeo médico periódicamente. Incluso estoy escribiendo esta carta con la ayuda de una hermana que utiliza para ayudarme. Yo quiero que me envíe su nombre completo y dirección para que pueda jurar una declaración bajo juramento que oficialmente y legalmente aprobados como los familiares a este fondo de modo que incluso si estoy muerto su reclamación a este fondo en el el banco no estará en duda. Yo enviaré la declaración jurada de juramento y certificado de depósito de este fondo inmediatamente después de la declaración jurada está listo.

Tan pronto como reciba tu contestación te daré el contacto del banco en Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire, donde el dinero fue depositado por mi amado esposo. Yo también le entregará la declaración jurada de juramento que legal y oficialmente aprobar que la próxima de beneficiario familiares y nuevo en el fondo junto con el certificado de d epósito de este fondo que mi marido usa para pagar el dinero en el banco. Quiero que orar siempre para mí porque el Señor es mi pastor.

Mi felicidad es que viví una vida digna de un cristiano. Todo aquel que quiera servir al Señor le debe servir en espíritu y en verdad.

Quiero que enviar los siguientes artículos a mí para la procesión de la declaración jurada:

(1) Su nombre completo ....

(2) Su dirección ....

(3) Su nacionalidad ....

(4) su edad / sexo ......

(5) Su ocupación .......

(6) Su estado civil .....

(7) Su número de teléfono directo .....


Necesito esta información es muy urgente. Cualquier retraso en su respuesta me dará habitación en sourcing otra persona para este mismo propósito.

Tengo la esperanza de recibir su respuesta urgente.
Perm anezca bendito en el Señor.
Suyo en Cristo
Sra. Rita Daniel.

sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

Good day

Good day

I hope all is well over there in your country If so, thanks to God almighty, My name is Miss.Wady Simone Otie, I am single Age 23 ft 5/6 wt 59, an Ex Communication Student, I am a single girl never been married before, my father of blessed memory by name Late Dr Simon Oti muka who was the Group Executive Director of Finance with CNPC oil company at the Khartoum refinery in Sudan, He was assassinated along side with my beloved mother and my only brother, Our family house was burnt down by the rebels during the last crisis in my country when Janjaweed militants came to our house and this sent me away to other country as i made my escape only by God's special grace and with the help of Catholic missionaries because i was in the boarding house when this incident took place.

Actually in search of an honest and reliable person who will help me to relocate, for a better life, i have chosen to contact you after my prayers Though you may wonder why I am so soon giving in to you without seeing you, well I will say that my instinct still tells that you could be true to me. Briefly, I will like to disclose much to you if you will help me to relocate to your country with the substance that i inherited from my parent. I have a substantial amount of $4.3 Million (Four Million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) which i will like to invest in your country into any lucrative business venture which you are to advise and execute seeing that i have no business experience for now.

However, I shall forward you with the necessary documents on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and investment of the fund. As you will help me in the investment, and i will like to complete my studies, as i was in my 1st year in the university, when the crisis started This is the reason why I decided to contact you, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this friendship and transaction sincerely,

In my next mail i will tell you more about this money and the leading financial institution which the money was deposited . My dear, i have never told any person about the existence of this money and i will like you to keep it secret because i am afraid of loosing the money and my life . I humbly waiting for your mail with your picture ( s ). Kisses and hugs to you .

Thanks and God bless. Take Caress,

viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

From Micheal Izaghi

Dear Sir,

I am Mr Micheal J.Izaghi I would like to request your assistance in this business
transaction of mutual benefit,I am a member of American Libyan Chamber
of Commerce and Industry(ALCCI) in conjunction with the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID), our committee is in charge of
contracts awards and payment for all contractors who executes contracts
in the rebuilding of Libya. We are currently in London for the payment
of some contractors who executed contracts in Libya.

There was an over draft contract we just discovered for USD$50 Million
and with our influence in this panel we can successfully present you/or
your company to claim the above funds.

We have agreed to share the money thus:

1. 30% you.
2. 70% for us (the officials)

Please note that this transaction is 100% safe and we hope to commence
the transfer latest seven (7) banking days from the date of the receipt
of the following information via e-mail of your Full name/ company's
name if any, Tel. & Fax Nos. The above information will enable us write
letters of claim and job description respectively. This way, we will use
your company's name to re-apply for payment and re-award the contract in
your company’s name.

We are looking forward to doing this business with you and solicit your
confidentiality in this transaction.

From Micheal Izaghi

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

2013 ICBC !!

Dear Prospective Partner,
I am writing to you on behalf of Mr. Chen Shui-bian. My name is Robert Chang Lee, and I am a top management executive here at the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, London Branch. Our bank website is
My friend Mr. Chen Shui-bian has presented a subtle offer which will need the help of a partner like you to complete successfully. Mr. Chen Shui-bian is in a difficult situation and he must immediately relocate certain sums of money out of Industrial & Commercial Bank of China. More so, this must be done in such a way that it must not be tied to Mr. Chen. The sum is currently deposited in the name of an existing legal entity. Your role will be to:
[1]. Act as the original beneficiary of the funds.
[2]. Receive the funds into a business/private bank account.
[3]. Invest/Manage the funds outside of China.
[4]. Value of funds: $19.9 Million US Dollars.
Everything will be done legally to ensure the rights to the funds are transferred to you. If you agree to partner with Mr. Chen, he will compensate you with 30% of the total sum. Should you prefer i re-contact you with more express facts, you can send me your:
[1] Full Names:
[2] Personal profile:
[3] Daytime Telephone No:
For Mr. Chen Shui-bian's current profile visit this site:
You can email me at,send a text message or call me for further details, and for terms and agreement.
Mr.Robert Chang  Lee
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, London Branch

 Telephone: +44-7937179428

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Final Delivery Notice


This is a reminder that Your package with registration no,#: UZ8100LOT has been on the transit point(Rome).It has been onhold awaiting pickup since May 28th,2013. You are expected to call or email us with a confirmation of the exact recipient address. Your package could not be delivered to your address and was returned to our transit unit due to incomplete address.

Recipient Postal Details required are stated below;


From our database, it shows your package is coming in with a high priority delivery (highly classified package),so you should attend to this case promptly.

For more info, call us on: +39 328 879 6421, Note this is a highly valuable delivery and so, you must attend to all messages promptly and get back to us via

Looking forward to a prompt response from you.

Gavin Rogers.

martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

A partir de la Sra. Ruth Hamson.

A partir de la Sra. Ruth Hamson.


Siento tener que venir a usted de esta manera, estoy escribiendo este email con la confianza respeto y humanidad, apelo a usted para ejercer un poco de paciencia y leer mi mensaje, me encontré con su perfil y mi espíritu me llevan a que contactar con usted, así que realmente necesitaba a alguien honesto, Truthfull compartir mis sentimientos y mi carga con usted, deje que me presente a usted, soy la Sra. Ruth Hamson, de 23 años, la única hija del fallecido. / Sra Hamson. un nativo de Costa de Marfil en el África occidental.

Mi padre era un hombre de negocios muy rico cuando él estaba vivo que hacer frente a las importaciones de automóviles y fue asesinado a causa de su riqueza a través de uno de nuestros miembros de la familia por lo que va a reclamar la propiedad de mi padre, que ya tiene don, mi madre murió cuando yo tenía 6 años y mi padre tuvo buen cuidado de mí como su única hija, antes de la muerte de mi padre en un hospital privado aquí en Costa de Marfil, donde confesó, él me llamó en secreto a su lado de la cama y fuera de mí para el suma de cuatro millones quinientos dólares americanos ($ 4,5 millones) que dejó en una cuenta de espera en un banco aquí en Abidjan, Costa de Marfil. y él también me dijo que mantiene todos los documentos que el banco le haya expedido cuando puso el dinero, y mi nombre estaba escrito que los familiares ya que su única hija, así que me pongo en contacto con usted para que me ayudes y de pie como mi socio extranjero que le ayudará puedo transferir el dinero a su cuenta más allá en su país, mi padre me dio
para buscar un socio foregn de mi elección donde mi vida puede salvar, así que al entrar en su perfil de mi mente leed me ponga en contacto contigo.

A continuación se presentan las cosas que participan en esta operación:

(1) ¿Se puede tomar una buena ceremon ia de mí cuando llegue a su país

(2) ¿Podría ser el destinatario de los fondos ya que soy sólo 23 años de edad.

(3) ¿Puede mi como tu hermana / hija / amiga que la ayude

(4) ¿Se puede hacer arreglos para que me acerque a su país después de que el dinero se transfiere, y aún más mi educación y también invertir el dinero en su país.

Por favor quiero que me envíe sus datos completos de la siguiente manera.

(1) Su nombre completo -------------------
(2) Su dirección ---------------------
(3) Su país ---------------------
(4) Su edad -------------------------
(5) Su ocupación ------------------
(6) Su número de teléfono ------------

Inmediatamente oigo de usted en relación con mi solicitud, le enviará todos los documentos relativos a neccessary este depósito con el contacto del banco para que usted en contacto con el banco para transferir el dinero a su cuenta.

Gracias por su comprensión.

MS Ruth Hamson

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013


International Finance Corporation
Maersk House, 1st Floor
Plot 121 Louis Soloman Close
Off Ahmadu Bello Way
Victoria Island, Lagos

     Attention: Beneficiary:


This is to inform you that this bank did receive payment instruction
from The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in conjunction
with the Ministry of Finance of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to pay
to you the total amount of US $5.8 Million. Note that a final approval
has been given to your claim and your funds have been transferred from
the International Finance Corporation (a World Bank Group) who has the
final authority to transfer out of the shores such amount of Fund.

We have just received an email from one MR. KAMICHI YASHITA, who
introduced himself as your next of kin also that you have instructed
him to receive the funds into his account on your behalf. MR. KAMICHI
YASHITA informed us that you are seriously sick in the hospital and
that you gave him this instruction to claim this fund on your behalf.
We have not transferred the fund to him yet because he is still unable
to produce a valid documentation that he was instructed by you to
claim this fund on your behalf. We are not also certain that you are
really seriously sick like he has made us to belive because we
discovered some lapses in his official presentation of this claim,
that is why we are contacting you.


SWIFT CODE: MSDKBGHUT. Bank Account No: 239-1-563-321.

We are writing for you to confirm this message and if it is not true,
you are required to forward with immediate effect the following
information to enable us carry out this transfer to your account
within the next 48 hours. Forward as a matter of urgency the following:

FULL NAMES:.............................................
DIRECT TELEPHONE......................................

You don't have to pay any charges to receive your fund anymore as you
have met up with the whole requirements, your representatives in
Nigeria or United Kingdom will tell you to still go ahead with them
but know that is your own risk. The only thing required from you is to
obtain the TRANSFER AUTHORIZATION CODE. Since that is what paying bank
requires for the transfer of your fund to your designated bank account.

We await your urgent response

Rev. Gregory Lawson

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013


International Reconciliation and Logistics Vault
International Monetary Fund (IMF).
It is a pleasure to write you that we have reconciled with our logistic department on the reimbursement of some fund spent by you during the cause of your inadequate
dealings with some impostors who claim to be staff in banks and other regional payment centers. Our reconciliation teams with the prospectus instrument of the United
Nations after freezing suspected imposters account. This support was fully effective with the help of World Bank after a summit meeting in London, on the financial
analysis and financial stability issues fluctuating the economy with the international global standard.
After gathering of this sum, our logistic department gave us a list of beneficiaries to be paid who fell victims to these imposters due to unawareness. And mode of
payment was as well specified for proper conducts and financial regulations to kick against criminality during process of payment. We have arranged your payment
through our swift card centers, with the latest instruction from International Monetary Fund Reconciliation Office.
The card center will send you an Atm Visa Card which you will use to withdraw your money in any Atm Center, Banks and Union Pay Credit outlets in the world; You are
hereby selected as an honor for this payment approval, which you are to acknowledge the receipt of this mail in returning the required below to the Logistic Department
by email listed below.
Office of Reconciliation and Logistics Vaults,
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Contact Chief Information Officer: Mr. David Lipton
Phone: +XX79XX44XX80
1. Full Name:
2. Phone and Fax Number:
3. Your age and Current Occupation:
4.  Contact Address (P.O Box Not Acceptable):
For your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person (s) or office (s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment. Because of
Impostors, we hereby issued you our code of conduct, which is (Atm-7750) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the Card Center by using it as your subject.
Kindly be informed that recipients shall be liable to all cost arising for the delivery of the donation parcel. This is due to Legal law protecting all donation funds
as to avoid misappropriation.
Yours in Service,
Ms. Christine Lagarde
Admin Chairman (IMF)

International Reconciliation and Logistics Vaults

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013


My Dearest,

My name is Christy Walton, a widow and businesswoman, American Citizen.
I have recently been diagnosed with Colorectal cancer and a rare Heart
Disease, which has defiled all medical treatment. Expert diagnosis has
shown that I have few months to live.

The intention of this email is to employ the expertise of a Charity
minded individual, who can identify a viable and guarantee reasonable
distribution of my wealth to the needy.

I cannot rely on family and closest relatives any more, as they did not
show responsible behavior when I entrusted part of my wealth to them to
distribute to charitable organizations but instead used the money for
their personal needs.

To prevent any more mishaps, my attorney will act as a check, monitoring
every aspect of the Charity Organizations. I have a huge cash deposit of
Thirty Five Million dollars with a finance House abroad. If you could be
trusted, I will want you to help me collect this deposit and distribute
it to charity organizations that you know. You will take out 25% of the
funds for your assistance.

Please reply me back with your below details to enable us proceed further
and please keep this confidential.


Kind Regards,
Mrs. Christy Walton.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

Update about Your late Relation/Family member


Ref: Information about Your late Relation/Family member

I am David Barker, an Investment adviser/sole executor to your late relation.
There is Estate (Cash deposit in bank and some landed Properties) belonging to your late family member whom I will like to discuss with you; He is related to you going by the lineage, surname and country of origin.

Once I receive your information and endorse same appropriately, I shall provide you with all the privileged information/legal documents relating to the deceased and also will give you guidelines on how to realize this goal without the breach of the law. I would respectfully request that you treat the content of this letter as privileged and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result
of this correspondence. Contact me immediately for more information and to begin the legal process of redeeming your lawful entitlement before the bank is compelled by law to hand over the money to the government.

This is my second but final attempt to reach you in view of this subject matter. Reply to my private email address

Kind Regards,
David Barker    

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013


Dear Sir,

I apologized for contacting you for the first time through email, it is because it serves as the fastest and more convenient way to get to you, I am  SUSAN VAN DER MERWE  from SOUTH AFRICA , I seek your assistance because of my position in the government ( Deputy Minister of International Relations and Co-operation of the Republic of South Africa) . Can you please assist me to receive and invest this fund $20 Million ,in your company or any business in your country?. I will give you more details and my profile as I hear from you.

Best Regard,


martes, 6 de agosto de 2013


I apologized for contacting you for the first time through email, it is because it serves as the fastest and more convenient way to get to you, I am  SUSAN VAN DER MERWE  from SOUTH AFRICA , I seek your assistance because of my position in the government ( Deputy Minister of International Relations and Co-operation of the Republic of South Africa) . Can you please assist me to receive and invest this fund $20 Million ,in your company or any business in your country?. I will give you more details and my profile as I hear from you.

Best Regard,


lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013

From Mrs Therese Moreau of France!!

My Dear,

Compliments of the day to you! By this e-mail I do sincerely apologize for my intrusion of your privacy. I am happy to know you, but God knows you better and he knows why he has directed me to you at this point in time so do not be afraid. I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great sorrow in my heart, I want to tell you this because i don't have any other option than to tell you as i was touched to open up to you.  However, My name is Mrs Thérèse Claudine Moreau from France, I'm 60 years old suffering from a long time cancer of the breast From all indication my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that according to my doctors they have advised me that I may not live for the next two months this is because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage which I believe you might be of help and for this reason I contact you,I know you would be surprised to read from someone relatively unknown to you before, Let this not sound strange to you.
I grew up in a motherless baby home, and married my late husband for eighteen years without a child. He worked with Shell Oil Company for thirty years before he died in Air France Concorde flight 4590 crash, with other passengers aboard.  He was a philanthropist and since his death, I decided not to remarry. Before this incident, he deposited $7.5Million (SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATE DOLLAR) in a bank. This money is still in the bank, and the management asked me to put forward an application for claim as 'the next of kin'. If not, I should issue a letter of authorization to someone to do so on my behalf since I am terminally ill. Otherwise, they will refer the fund to the state treasury. I'm now in a hospital with my laptop where I am undergoing treatment And my last wish is to make sure that this fund is available for use in benefit of any charity organization of your choice, to the advantage of orphans, widows and children with disabilities. I want you as a God-fearing person, to manage this fund astutely. I took this decision to enable me die in peace, because my time is near.

Immediately I receive your reply, I will immediately instruct my late husband's lawyer to issue you a letter of authorization that will prove you the present beneficiary of the fund. Please, assure me that you will act on humanitarian motives. Remember that your religion cannot stop you from doing God's work.

Thank you.

Waiting patiently for your reply

Yours Sincerely

domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

Estimado amigo

Estimado amigo
Cortesía de la temporada y las bendiciones de Dios Sra. Mariam Abraham quien lo contactó hace mucho tiempo para la asistencia en un reclamos de herencia, lo que se refiere a un cliente fallecido en nuestra company.However Estoy muy contento de informar a usted acerca de mi éxito en conseguir los fondos transferidos en el marco del la cooperación de un nuevo socio de Japón, actualmente soy en Japón durante los proyectos de inversión. He decidido que lo recompense con la suma de $ 1.300.000.00 (un millón trescientos mil dólares) Esto es de mi propia parte, lo hice simplemente para demostrar que es bueno para hacer cosas buenas y también para cumplir mi promesa durante
 Por lo tanto, usted debe ponerse en contacto con mi secretaria, he aquí su dirección de contacto:
Tel.: +233505042814
No le pida que le envíe el cheque bancario, suma de $ 1.300.000.00 (un millón trescientos mil dólares) que guardaba para su
compensación, sin embargo, que le atenderá sin demora ya que fue debidamente instructed.And le envíe su información de contacto actual
a continuación para
él para confirmar.
1. Su nombre completo ................................
2. Su hogar u oficina Dirección ...............
3. Teléfono móvil ...........
4. Su ubicación ..........................
5. Su edad .......................
por favor hágamelo saber de inmediato si usted lo recibe, para que podamos compartir la alegría juntos después de todo el sufrimiento en
ese momento.
Dr Sra. Mariam Abraham

Dear Friend
Compliments of the season and God blessings from Ms Mariam Abraham who contacted you long ago for assistance in an Inheritance claims,regards to a deceased customer in our company.However I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting those fund transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Japan,Presently i am in Japan
for an investment projects. I have decided to compensate you with the sum of $1.300.000.00 (ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS)This is from my own share, I did this simply to show you that it is good to do good things and also to fulfill my promise during thetrials.
 Therefore you should contact my secretary, Here are his contact address:
Tel  :  +233505042814
Do ask him to send you the bank draft,sum of $1.300.000.00 (ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS) which I kept for your compensation, however he will attend to you without delay as he was duly instructed.And send him your current contact information below to him to confirm.
1. Your Full Name................................
2. Your Home or Office Address...............
3. Your Mobile Telephone...........
4. Your Country Location..........................
5. Your age.......................
please do let me know immediately if you receive it so that we can share the joy together after all the suffering at that time.
Dr Ms Mariam Abraham

sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013




viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013

Invitation: Your Urgent reply pls. @ Mon 1 Jul 2013 05:30 - 06:30

Este resumen no está disponible. Haz clic en este enlace para ver la entrada.


Hi my friend
Our beloved people are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
In my heart, I'll always love my future sweetheart and in my heart his image will always stay.
In my man's  strong  arms is where I want to be and he can be right here lying next to me http://www.xxxxx.xx.xx/
If I don't meet my darling,  we will always feel like there is something  missing in our lives. I want that special man to be kind, serious, tender, sociable and practical person with a good sense of humor .
hope to get a smile from you

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

Have me in your Prayers

I am Mrs Christiana Morgan, From Cherry Hill New Jersey, im 51 yrs ,Im a Great Philantropist, a  Oil Rig Engineer I have worked with Kuwait Oil Company for decades with my Late Husband,i am writing these message to you and i feel the Spirit of Thy Lord had told me to  open a Memorial Charity Foundation so i could be remember after i left the world to rest in the arm of the Lord.

  Have been hospitalized since two months now, i am diagnosed with Breast Cancer which had defiled all forms, Im presently in St Mary Hospital in Barcelona Spain.

Im really in the hardest period of my life and i give priase to God for a life well spent and according to latest medical report announced to me a couple of days ago by the medical surgeons and i feel i should create a legacy so i could be remember even after i die.

I am willing to use my money to set up a Charity Foundation for the poor and less priiledge in the society,I humble believe that through these i would be remember and prayers would be pour upon me even after i die.

I Lost my Husband Mr Jefferson in 2006 i wish he was still alive to console me at these present moment, I am writing you based on my latest medical report which the surgeons inform me that i have few days to live on earth and i feel so sad to live the world right now but i have no option as i believe that it had been destined by God,

I want to set up a Cancer Charity Foundation which would be in Memory of me so i could be remember after i passed away and i am willing to donate my Fund presently in European Development Bank in Paris France , the sum of $7.3 Million .I have concluded my plans to choose you as the Director to coordinate the Affairs of these Charity Foundation because i am under intensive care unit and i saw your email from my list so i decided to choose you.

I should have choose my Nephew but she will not use the money for the Charity Foundation and i did not informed her and even the Fund is not included in my WILL , I have inform the Director of Operation in European Development and i would give you the details so the Charity Fund can be transfer to you before i passed away and i would be glad to see you at the hospital so i can give you my blessings and my large photo will be placed on the Memorial Charity Foundation.

I hope i can confide my trust in you and you will not betray me,i want these fund to be used to touch the life of poor and disable in the society.

I Would like you to reply me on my personal  email address for more detail:

Have me in your Prayers.

Mrs Christiana Morgan

martes, 30 de julio de 2013

Good day

Dear Beloved One,

Compliment of the day to you, how are you?  I am daughter to late Mr. Arturo Tabara from Philippines who was the leader of the Philippine communist group (PCG) who died in July 2004
My main purpose of writing you is to help me achieve my only wish before the appointed time that i shall die as i am mailing from my hospital room/bed with tears on my face. I have thought about it and because of the trend of scam in the world today i have to be careful and mindful of who i shall entrust this proposed charity donation into his hands so that the objective of the donation will be achieved, thus i decided to contact you because of how i met you and because you are advanced and can understand my pains too. But understand that i cannot chat with you or call you because MSN AND YAHOOMESSANGER is not installed in the laptop that i am using here in the hospital and we are not allowed to use telephone in "post operation ward" and "intensive care unit ward".

Well despite my situation what bothers me most is my late Father fund (U.S.$11.5 MILLION) that will be a waste if nothing is done urgently as that is the major reason why i contacted you. This fund was deposited in a Security & Finance Company, SOUTH AFRICA by my late Father before his untimely death which he concealed the fund in a metallic trunk box as family valuables and deposited it with the security company instead of a bank because of security reasons base on the fact that he was the founder of the strongest rebel opposition group in PHILIPPINES then.

Since i am the real next of kin and daughter to the depositor what i am suppose to do after you have sent  me your international passport and other proofs of your identity to avoid betrayal after the consignment liftment to you is for me to send all the documents of the deposit and the security company's full contact details to you so that you can apply for the release of the consignment which the security company will not hesitate to process the release once i consent to it though i will first confirm your identity and your capability of been able to help me because this is all i have at the moment and in this life which i must be very careful of whom i shall entrust it to and must also be used for charity work which will be named after my late father on the completion.

So i want your re-affirmation that you are capable to help me transfer the consignment as what you will have to do after i have sent all the necessary documents to you is just for you to contact the security company as my late father business partner and find out what it will take the security company to process and transfer the consignment to you through their diplomatic courier service.

Then after clearing with the security company you will direct them on how to lift the consignment to you. Please i want to let you know that i am banking on you, i have no other person to relate my problems to, every member of my late father family have turned against me because of my father left over before he died, and i wouldn’t like to dispose any of my plans to them until i finally seal this consignment liftment with your assistance and actualize my dreams of a charity establishment in the name of my late father.

I took this decision because i am the only child of my late father and because of how my late father relatives have treated me with so much dis-regard and hatred even with my health condition and have also ceased all my late father property which this fund in the security company is all that they could not get hold of because it was not deposited in Philippines.

I am willing to do anything to assist in the liftment of this consignment
to you only if you assure me of ensuring that a charity home and home for HIV/AIDS will be built with part of the fund in my late father status and name. please i want an answer to all questions as listed below so that i can be more assured that you are really genuine and ready to help me before sending you the documents of the deposit and the security company's contact details that you shall use to apply for the consignment release and liftment to you:

1.If you are ready to keep the transaction as top secret because i do not want my late father relatives to know about this consignment in Africa after they took possession of all my late
father accounts and properties in Philippines.

2. Your capability and credibility in handling this transaction in every ramification.

3. Your credibility and reliability as to avoid betrayal from you or seating on the entire fund when the trunk box is finally received by you.

4. That all my instructions as the initiator of the transaction would be taking for the betterment of and hitch-free of the consignment liftment to you. Also send your proof of identity (passport/drivers license) and your address so that i can have confident in you before we proceed.

I will highlight you more on what to do as soon as you send your details and the proof of your identity so that i will have all the confident to entrust the transaction into your care without any fear and for us to proceed with the claim proceedings without further delay.
On the receipt of your response i will send my personal photographs, my medical report and my international passport for your view so that you will have the confident to go any length to help me.. I am soliciting for your speedy response to my email with your full details and proof of your identity so that we can proceed with the consignment release and liftment proceedings without further delay.


I await your urgent response in this regard.


Miss. Bahiya Arturo Tabara.

lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

Update Delivery Alert!

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is a reminder that Your packet is already on the transit point (Italy).It has been onhold awaiting pickup since June 04th,2013. You are expected to call or email us with a confirmation of the exact recipient address.

Recipient Postal Details required are stated below;


From our database,it shows your package is coming in with a high priority delivery (highly classified package),so you should attend to this case promptly.You have to Confirm if you wish to come to Italy for pickup of your package or if you want us to deliver to you in your location.

For more info,call us on: +393889566089, Note this is a highly valuable delivery and so,you must attend to all messages promptly.

Looking forward to a prompt response from you.

Fidelia Antonio
For: Jonah Ricci
(Delivery Agent)
Tel: +3938 89566089

viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

From Mrs Zona Kuma

I am Mrs.Zona Kuma, an estate developer.I have been diagnose of cancer of the lungs by my doctors since 2009.But the reason why l am contacting you is that for the last three months my situation have been getting worse day by day and this have made me taken this decision which l think is the best ever decision that l have taken in my entire life which l am about to let you know.I decided to donate my estate of $1,500,000.00 to any individual or organization who is willing to use it for the benefit of the poor and less privileged in society.I have to say all my live l have never been married due to an encounter l had with my uncle concerning raping me has made me to be afraid of the male counterparts hence my decision not to marry hence my inability of having no child of my own to inherit this estate of mine.Please let me know if you are interested.
Best Regards
Mrs.Zona Kuma

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

Buen día

Buen día,
Tengo información útil sobre tu fortuna familiar fallecido con nuestro banco.
Tener los documentos y la disposición que le permitirá hacer reclamaciones legales a los fondos. Por favor volver a mí tan pronto como sea posible con un número de teléfono que puedo llegar a dar más detalles.
Irwin, Cheryl

lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

Do Not Ignore


My name is Habib Nasser and i have attached a business proposal which i believe if you take your time to read will be beneficial to you. Please do not ignore it but read and see if you would be interested.


Habib Nasser.

viernes, 19 de julio de 2013

Regalo de mi herencia

Hola Amado.

Estoy incluso tuve una conversación amistosa con mi médico en mi proyecto de donación, y admito que se necesita mucho plus.Que Dios te bendiga también. Hoy en día. Tengo un peso en el corazón, con lágrimas en sus ojos cuando me escribe. Pero a veces me pregunto, ¿es necesario dar una razón? En primer lugar, esto significa dar? ¿Cuál es el significado de la donación? Es cuando te das a ti mismo que realmente da. "Los que no lo entiendo, que dar y qué es lo que dan Sí, te doy esta plata.

Pero tengo también! Este intercambio electrónico es el más valioso
lo que es. Amado, yo no estaría solo, quiero estar juntos en estos tiempos difíciles, para asegurarse de que me temo, se consoló cuando me pesa, sé fuerte, ser escuchado, ser aceptado por lo que soy, y me siento amado. De cierto os digo gracias, Mis palabras son impotentes para expresar mi gratitud, porque aquí acostada en la cama del hospital, no tengo fuerzas para hacer nada más que un sueño para mí, más deseos.
No sé cómo vivir con esta propiedad, que es sólo la fe y la esperanza de algún tipo de apoyo.
El sol se levanta, pasa el tiempo, y mi corazón latía tan, yo tengo miedo de morir, estoy muy asustada, me atrevo a esperar que estoy equivocado acerca de su hígado bueno porque antes me he comunicado con ustedes, yo tenía para complacer a toda la noche, aunque mi salud era muy mala, orar a nuestro Dios misericordioso que él me podía enviar a una persona seria que administrará el dinero y proporcionar la alegría y las sonrisas más pobres para vivir bien. Así que yo os elegí a vosotros, con la bendición de Dios.

También me gustaría informarle de que los procedimientos legales se han establecido, y dejó instrucciones de que mi caso BANCO enviado a usted en un Seguro diplomática para más seguridad.
Así que espero que mis fotografías en la pieza juntos.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con mi banco hoy para hacer mis instrucciones, lo que le pedí. El dinero que recibe es una bendición de Dios para ti. Estas horas que viven con miedo, miedo de morir sin decir, ¿qué va a pasar con mi dinero que dejé detrás de mí. Por eso tomé la iniciativa de dejar mi dinero. Póngase en contacto con el Director del Banco Internacional de Benin (BIBE) (Protección de la Sección), en Cotonou, Benin. Le di instrucciones de que obtendrá de mi propiedad. El dinero es (€ 250.000 (250.000,00 euros) es de color negro, en mi caso me puse el pecho bajo el control del banco.

Gracias a decirme si realmente quieres volver posesión de esta herencia para ponerte en contacto con mi banco para los siguientes pasos

Cantidad Nathalie

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Please reply for more detail.

Dear friend, my name is Mrs.Lauren Rica. I have a business proposal for you.I am waiting for your urgent reply as soon as possible to let you know the full detail on how we are going to commence on the transaction.

lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

Reply immediately!

GV&A Abogados
Calle/ Infanta Mercedes Nє 96,
28020 Madrid-Spain.

Dear friend,

Re: Seeking Executor of Last Will and Testament:

I am Juan Martins Domingo Sanchez an Attorney at Law, working with the above named law firm in Madrid, Spain. I am writing to notify you of the TESTAMENT of late Mr. Gerd Wagner, a German who unfortunately lost his life in the Madrid Bomb blast on March 11, 2004. The deceased was a prominent business man who traveled to Spain on Business Survey with his wife and their only daughter when they met their tragic death. My client before his death made a deposit of Thirty Seven Million Three Hundred Thousand Euros Ђ37,300,000.00) in Valencia, Spain in his effort to establish a Multy-Million Euro Investment in Real Estate and Property Management.

However, I was mandated by our team of professionals to search for the relatives of the deceased regarding his deposit as the holding financial institution wants him to come forward for the endorsement of the reinvestment documents on interest accrued which has been calculated to be 0.624% of the initial deposit, which brings the new inheritance claim to Thirty Seven Million Four Hundred and Seven Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifty Two Euros (Ђ37,407,952.00).Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his Next of Kin or relatives to come over to sign the reinvestment documents or claim his deposit because the financial institution cannot release these funds unless a formal application is made which is in line with the Spanish law on inheritance claim.

Regrettably, I learnt that his supposed Next of Kin, which could be his mother died of heart attack as a result of the death of her only child in the ugly inccident leaving nobody with the knowledge of this huge deposit except me as the personal lawyer attached to monitor his deposit. It is in this regard that I decided to solicit your assistance, by presenting you as the next of kin to the deceased. Although, I have agreed on the following sharing ratios: 25% for your assistance and 75% for me but this is still open for negotiation.

NB: This transaction is very confidential and 100% risk free as I can re-draft his LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT to bear your name as the TRUSTEE & EXECUTOR. This transaction shall be executed under legitimate and legal procedures that will protect you from any breach of the Law.Therefore, do not hesitate to revert back to me through this email address, with the following details if my proposal interests you. Your full names, address and your telephone number.

Best regards,
Juan Martin Domingo Sanchez.

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Estimados en el Señor

Estimados en el Señor

Pido disculpas si el contenido de este correo son contrarios a su moral ética, que me veo puede ser de gran perturbación en su vida personal, pero por favor, tratar con el más absoluto secreto y personal y rezo para que este mensaje llegue a usted en el mejor de salud.

Pido a Dios que este mensaje llegue a usted en espíritu maravilloso como yo hacer este contacto con usted, basado en la confianza y la confianza con independencia de que no se han conocido antes, debido a la naturaleza de la situación en la que me encontraba. Obtenga su contacto personal a través de la web esfuerzo y decidió ponerse en contacto. Creo que mi contacto con usted no es un coincidencia ordinario, porque Dios puede usar a cualquier organismo conocido o desconocido para lograr grandes cosas él ha ordenado.

Soy Florencia Gram. Hospitalización después tuve un accidente de coche con mi familia, perdí a mi marido y mis dos hijas que estaban también a bordo el accidente. Tras el accidente, he estado luchando con algo de salud  los problemas de las lesiones graves en el caso de la accident.Recently, mi doctor me dijo que tengo unos pocos meses de vida debido a la cirugía que es lo que molesta conducted.Though es mi situación actual, debido a las lesiones sufrió daños y mis médulas espinales en la accidente. Después de haber conocido mi condición yo decidí Will / Donate el suma de 3,5 millones (tres millones quinientos mil dólares) a la caridad e individual a través de usted por el buen trabajo del señor, y para ayudar a la sin madre, menos privilegiado y con la asistencia de las viudas. Porque yo soy la única persona sobreviviente y nadie más que heredará este dinero, ahora están muert os. No quiero una situación en la que Este depósito será confiscado y se mantiene pulsado durante los funcionarios del banco donde fue depositado por mi difunto esposo en , quien trabajó con la compañía de desarrollo del caparazón como ingeniero antes de su muerte.

Todo lo que quiero hacer es ayudar a que el fondo que es de tres millones quinientos dólares americanos depositados bajo la custodia de la empresa de seguridad antes de que fuera confiscado o declarada sin serviceable.I solicitar su consentimiento para presentaros como administrador de la herencia de mi difunto esposo , por lo que el importe de esta cuenta se puede pagar a usted. Si usted está interesado en llevar a cabo esta tarea, quiero que ponerse en contacto conmigo inmediatamente, de modo que usted puede organizar todas las modalidades para llevar a cabo la liberación de los fondos a usted. Sé que nunca he conocido, pero mi mente me dice que haga esto, y espero que actúe n con sinceridad. También he decidido que el 30% de este dinero debe ser tomada por usted a partir de la suma total en el éxito del lanzamiento de este fondo. Ahora estoy demasiado débil y frágil para hacer las cosas yo mismo a causa de mis problemas de salud actuales. No tengo miedo a la muerte. Sé que voy a estar en el pecho del Señor. Éxodo 14 vs 14 dice que el Señor luchará mi caso y voy a mantener mi paz.

Le agradezco su máxima confidencialidad en este asunto hasta que la tarea se hace, y yo no quiero tener nada que ponga en peligro mi último deseo. Por favor me proporcione su nombre completo, dirección y datos de contacto número, así que voy a preparar todos los documentos pertinentes para efectuar la entrega de los fondos a usted.

Le saluda atentamente,
La señora Florencia Gram

lunes, 1 de julio de 2013


Dear Sir,

I apologized for contacting you for the first time through email, it is because it serves as the fastest and more convenient way to get to you, I am  SUSAN VAN DER MERWE  from SOUTH AFRICA , I seek your assistance because of my position in the government ( Deputy Minister of International Relations and Co-operation of the Republic of South Africa) . Can you please assist me to receive and invest this fund $20 Million ,in your company or any business in your country?. I will give you more details and my profile as I hear from you.

Best Regard,


domingo, 30 de junio de 2013


Estimado en cristo,

Saludos en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, yo soy la señora Anne Sedes, de República de Kuwait. Estoy casada con Sr. Daniel Sedes quien trabajó con la embajada de Kuwait en Costa de Marfil. durante nueve años antes de morir en 12/01/2010. Nos casamos por once años sin un niño. Murió después de una breve enfermedad que duró sólo cuatro día. Antes de su muerte éramos ambos otra vez nacido christian. Desde su muerte he decidido no volver a casarse o tener un hijo fuera de mi hogar conyugal que la Biblia está en contra.

Cuando mi último marido estaba vivo él depositó la suma de ($3.500 000.) Tres millones quinientos mil dólares de los EE.UU. en un seguridad de la empresa aquí, en Abidján, Costa de Marfil África occidental. Ahora, este dinero todavía está en seguridad de la empresa.Recientemente, mi médico me dijo que tengo muy poco tiempo para vivir, debido al problema del cáncer. La que m� �s me molesta es mi enfermedad cerebrovascular

Sabiendo mi condición decidía donar este fondo a una organización de caridad que utilizará este dinero la manera que voy a mandar adjunto. Quiero una organización que utilice este fondo para los orfanatos, escuelas, iglesias, viudas, propagando la palabra de Dios y al esfuerzo que se mantiene la casa de Dios. La Biblia nos hizo entender que "Bendito es la mano que da". He tomado esta decisión porque no tengo ningún niño que herede este dinero y mis parientes del marido no son cristianos y yo no quiero que mi marido a los esfuerzos ser utilizados por los incrédulos.

No quiero una situación donde este dinero será utilizado en una manera diabólica. Esta es la razón por la cual estoy tomando esta decisión. No tengo miedo de la muerte por lo tanto, yo sé a dónde voy. Sé que voy a estar en el seno de la Señor. Éxodo 14 CONTRA 14 dice que "el señor luchará mi caso y yo llevará a cabo mi p az". No necesito ninguna comunicación del teléfono en este sentido a causa de mi salud por lo tanto la presencia de los parientes de mi marido alrededor de mí siempre. No quiero que sepan acerca de este desarrollo. Con Dios todo es posible. Tan pronto como recibamos su respuesta, yo te daré el contacto del banco aquí, en Abidján, Costa de Marfil Oeste africa.

Yo también le entregará una carta de la autoridad que te pruebe el actual beneficiario de este fondo del Ministerio de Justicia, Costa de Marfil. Quiero que tú y la iglesia a orar siempre para mí porque el Señor es mi Shephard. Mi felicidad es que viví una vida de un cristiano digno. Quienquiera que desea servir al Señor debe servirlo en espíritu y verdad. Rogar por favor siempre a lo largo de su vida.

(1) Nombre del beneficiario ......................................... ...
(2) Dirección .............................................. ...............................
(3) Ocupación ... ... .......................................... ... ... ... ... ... ....
(4) Nacionalidad .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..............................
(5) Su edad, sexo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
(6) Su estado civil ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
(7)Su número de telphone......................................................

 Permanezca bendito en el Señor.
Atentamente hermana en Cristo,

Sra. Anne Sedes

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Mrs. Janet Brown


I am Mrs. Janet Brown, a devoted Christian and I have been diagnosed of cancer 
A few years ago immediately after the death of my husband who left me Everything he had worked for. I have been touched by God to donate from what I Have inherited from my late husband to you for the good work of God rather than
Allow my greedy relatives to use my husband's hard earned funds in ungodly way, (Please make sure you use this money properly for building of churches,  Orphanage homes and also helps the less-privileged once in the society.

The fund was deposited with a bank, and you can’t make contact with the bank Directly without the help of my Attorney he will prepare the entire document You need in making contact with the bank.

Please Contact my Attorney Barr Smith Anderson, with this specified email: 
( telling him that I have WILLED $US2, 000,000.00 

(Two Million United State Dollars) to you because I might not be able to write You again and 

please make contact with my Attorney I have already inform him that you will be making contact with him; My Identification Number is WILL/9834520012 this mail was sent by One of my PA Mrs. Bucko Jackie please reply to my attorney's email address:( for more details. 

Mrs. Janet Brown.

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013


Mi Querida en el Señor,

Saludos Calvario para que en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Soy la señora Rita Daniel de Kuwait. Estaba casada con el Sr. John Daniel, quien trabajó con la embajada de Kuwait en Costa de Marfil durante nueve años antes de morir el año pasado. Nos casamos por once años sin un niño. Mi marido murió después de una breve enfermedad que duró sólo cuatro días. Antes de su muerte éramos ambos otra vez nacido cristiano.

Querida, sé que usted es sorpresa al recibir esta carta, pero como hijo de Dios vivo, usted debe saber que nuestros caminos no son sus caminos. Mi Biblia me dice que trabaja de muchas maneras y todas las cosas funciona para bien a los que creen en Cristo Jesús. De hecho, también es el líder del Espíritu Santo de Dios que yo os elegí en la obediencia y el amor para cumplir el deseo de mi marido que yo apoyé a la gloria de Dios. Quiero que entiendan que esta benevolencia es en cump limiento de la voluntad y decisión de mi difunto esposo, que estoy convencido de actualizar.

Desde la muerte de mi amado esposo, decidí no volver a casarse o tener un hijo fuera de mi hogar conyugal que la Biblia está en contra. Cuando mi marido estaba vivo él depositó la suma de EE.UU. $ 2,5 millones de dólares ($ 2,500,000.00) en un banco aquí en Abidjan Cí´te d'Ivoire. Actualmente, este dinero todavía está en el banco.

Recientemente, mi doctor me dijo que no iba a durar el período de nueve meses debido a mi problema de cáncer. La que más me molesta es mi enfermedad del movimiento. Sabiendo mi condición decidía donar este fondo a una organización de caridad, iglesia, organización cristiana, o un verdadero creyente que utilizará este dinero la manera que voy a mandar adjunto.

Quiero que este fondo que se utilizará para los orfanatos, escuelas, iglesias, viudas y las personas menos privilegios en la propagación de la palabra de Dios y para asegurarse de que se mantenga la casa de Dios. La Biblia nos hizo entender que "Bendito es la mano que da". Tomé esta decisión porque no tengo ningún niño que herede este dinero y mi marido familiares son incrédulos y yo no quiero que mi marido para ser utilizados por los incrédulos.

No quiero una situación donde este dinero será utilizado en una manera impía. Es por eso que estoy tomando esta decisión. No tengo miedo de la muerte por lo tanto que sé adónde voy. Sé que voy a estar en el pecho del Señor. Éxodo 14 vs 14 dice que "el señor luchará mi caso y voy a mantener mi paz". No necesito ninguna comunicación telefónica en este sentido a causa de mi estado de salud y la presencia de los parientes de mi difunto marido alrededor de mí siempre tratando de reclamar este dinero de mí que mi marido se fue a mí. No quiero que sepan de este desarrollo. Con Dios todo es posible.

Yo quiero que manejar esto por su cuenta ya que mi salud no me puede permitir como se me ha colocado en diálisis chequeo médico periódicamente. Incluso estoy escribiendo esta carta con la ayuda de una hermana que utiliza para ayudarme. Yo quiero que me envíe su nombre completo y dirección para que pueda jurar una declaración bajo juramento que oficialmente y legalmente aprobados como los familiares a este fondo de modo que incluso si estoy muerto su reclamación a este fondo en el el banco no estará en duda. Yo enviaré la declaración jurada de juramento y certificado de depósito de este fondo inmediatamente después de la declaración jurada está listo.

Tan pronto como reciba tu contestación te daré el contacto del banco en Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire, donde el dinero fue depositado por mi amado esposo. Yo también le entregará la declaración jurada de juramento que legal y oficialmente aprobar que la próxima de beneficiario familiares y nuevo en el fondo junto con el certificado de d epósito de este fondo que mi marido usa para pagar el dinero en el banco. Quiero que orar siempre para mí porque el Señor es mi pastor.

Mi felicidad es que viví una vida digna de un cristiano. Todo aquel que quiera servir al Señor le debe servir en espíritu y en verdad.

Quiero que enviar los siguientes artículos a mí para la procesión de la declaración jurada:

(1) Su nombre completo ....

(2) Su dirección ....

(3) Su nacionalidad ....

(4) su edad / sexo ......

(5) Su ocupación .......

(6) Su estado civil .....

(7) Su número de teléfono directo .....

Necesito esta información es muy urgente. Cualquier retraso en su respuesta me dará habitación en sourcing otra persona para este mismo propósito.

Tengo la esperanza de recibir su respuesta urgente.
Perm anezca bendito en el Señor.
Suyo en Cristo
Sra. Rita Daniel.